Three Truths For Your Job-Search

There are as many experts on job-search as there are people (currently around 6.7 billion) and weeding through the clutter can be very difficult. However there are three truths that no one can deny are most important in the search for a new opportunity.

1)      The most qualified person does not always get the job.

I have seen it time and time again – a person whose qualifications are spot on to the job description gets passed over and doesn’t understand why. There are countless reasons why that happens – personality, interview style, what shoes they wore to the interview, they came across too confident, they were not excited enough about the opportunity, or probably one of the next two truths.

2)      The person who is able to articulate why they should be hired usually is.

Whether you are sending in a résumé or sitting in front of a hiring manager you have to be able to effectively communicate why you should be hired. Having one general reason is not enough – you should have a minimum of five specific reasons, with examples, of why you are the best out there.

3)      It is not always about what you know rather who you know.

Without a doubt the most powerful weapon you have in your job-search arsenal is your network.  Personal relationships are important because most companies would rather hire a known entity rather than someone off the street. The bigger your personal network (not your online network) the more likely you are to uncover new opportunities and receive personal introductions to decision makers. To understand some of the basics on how to build your personal network check out our previous post Sourcing Opportunities (Positive and Productive Networking).

Until next time – good hunting and good luck!

8 responses to “Three Truths For Your Job-Search

  1. This was wonderful – I am hope our students are checking out your blog!

  2. Presentation is EVERYTHING!

  3. It’s always helpful to keep things in the proper perspective. Thanks for the reminders, Matt!

  4. Matt:

    Right on with number two here. Ariculating your value especially when referenced to the company you are interviewing with is the most important part of an interview. I coach candidates to speak as if they were already working at the company. Learn as much as you can about the company you are interviewing with and then speak with the company about how you would do your job if you were hired; What challenges you could immediately rise to and how you would solve problems.

    While who you know is indeed important, i have seen # 2 trump #3 most of the time.



  5. For number 3, I think it’s who you meet rather than who you know. Isn’t that part of the task of networking? If good relationships are built through networking, then it’s who we know…

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